Permcath Insertion

Permcath is a piece of long, thin, flexible tube with two hollow bores, which is inserted into a vein. It is mostly inserted in the internal jugular vein in the neck and less commonly in the femoral vein in the groin area. One hallow bore will carry the blood from the body to the dialysis machine and another part will carry the blood from dialysis machine to the body. The permcath, having a cuff will hold the catheter in place and protect from infections by acting as a barrier.

Before the procedure

  • Do not drink or eat anything at least 4 hours before the procedure.
  • Inform the doctor about all ongoing medications especially if on blood thinners.
  • Inform the doctor about any allergies to any medications or any infections experienced in the past.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and leave all valuable things and jewelry at home.
  • Dont wear dentures, hearing aids and eyeglasses during the procedure.
  • The patient should undergo some blood tests, physical examination test and Doppler scan before the permcath insertion.

During the procedure

  • A small, thin, flexible tube called IV cannula will be placed in the back of the hand to deliver the drugs directly into the vein.
  • The patient will be made to lie flat and sedatives will be administered intravenously for relaxing the body and relieve any pain until the procedure is completed.
  • Antiseptic solution or sterile solution will be used to rub the zone where the catheter is to be inserted.
  • The doctor will place a clip on one of the finger to record the oxygen levels in the blood.
  • Once the patient is sedated, the doctor will guide a wire into the superior venacava or right atrium of the heart through the external jugular vein. By this way, the doctor will create a tunnel and guide the catheter in to the right atrium of the heart. The cuff will help to keep the catheter in place which is present under the chest wall. The place where the catheter leaves the chest wall will be stitched and transparent dressing will be employed on the stiches.